
If you need help with any aspect of Hawkmatix projects, you have many options, from reading the manuals, asking for help on the mailing lists, or requesting personal support.


Hawkmatix projects are usually documented by a comprehensive manual when published online. Each manual is bundled with its corresponding source code when pushed to GitHub. To find specific documentation, please visit the page of your project of interest. You can find a list of all projects by clicking here.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are new to Hawkmatix projects you may have a few questions that may have been asked, and answered, a few times before. To visit the frequently asked questions page click here.

Mailing List

If your question isn’t answered in the FAQ or manuals the support mailing list is a good resource.

Personal Support

The Hawkmatix community is a loosely organized association of volunteers, so there is a possibility that no one will be available to assist you. If the other support options do not satisfy your needs, and you feel dedicated support is necessary, you can sign up for personal support. With personal support you will have an individual assigned to you. He or she will be available around the clock via email or phone and will be able to answer any questions you may have regarding Hawkmatix projects. If you are interested in personal support or would like additional information, please send us an email.